


Diabetes in any form requires one skill: control.

I can really control diabetes when I can evaluate the effect of my actions and my emotional state on blood sugar.

Understanding, evaluating situations, doing it quickly is a complex task and a different challenge for each person.

We do not believe that a system or a machine can suggest the right solution to face any situation. Rather, we believe in people's intelligence and in the progressive knowledge of oneself even with respect to diabetes.

Better control of diabetes with less effort is possible by providing personalized information that helps to interpret each situation easily and immediately.

Fluent wants to provide support to people with diabetes according to this philosophy.


How to produce this information? For the group of people who embraced the idea and worked to bring it to life, the answer was immediately evident: doing research.

Doctors, data science, information technology, communication and engineering experts contributed their ideas and worked to make diabetes management easier and more effective.

The participation of those who have tried the developments of this work has allowed us to progress a lot in a short time.


Fluent is a research project that has as its ultimate goal the development of an artificial pancreas.

The road to achieving this goal takes time but the research proceeds step by step and the activity carried out so far has already produced the patent for a support technology for the management of type I and type II diabetes.

We therefore decided to make the results of our research operational in your life by implementing this technology in an app for smartphones and tablets.

It is now possible to experiment with a new approach to diabetes management.

"Diabete Fluent" is the Fluent app designed for simpler and more effective diabetes management through personalized support.


There are four innovative concepts behind Diabetes Fluent.

Your diabetes management experience is continuously interrogated by the Fluent algorithm to recognize the effect of your actions on blood sugar. Personalized information such as the forecast of the blood glucose trend in the next few hours is provided to you in real time so that you can benefit from it for managing the current situation.

Together with the Diabetes Fluent forecast it recalls times and actions of the past situation more similar to the one you are in. It is the same step that every diabetic person naturally takes in his or her head when making decisions. Doing so Diabetes Fluent on the one hand allows you to overcome the normal limits of memory on the other hand to concentrate on understanding the effect of your actions on the trend of blood sugar. This understanding exercise is of fundamental importance to achieve and maintain adequate glycemic control over time.

The app does not leave you alone with numbers, Diabetes Fluent relates all available data to each other to produce useful information in the language of the people.

The carbohydrate count is no longer necessary, you can directly enter the foods you eat by creating your personalized list.

To find out more, please visit the App page and read the answers to the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) on the use of Diabetes Fluent or visit the "Doctors" page of the site to read the report on Diabetes Fluent by Professor Enzo Bonora of the University Polyclinic Hospital of Verona.